Cheeseburger at Milk Bay by Cafe Ish, Redfern

Milk Bar by Cafe Ish (Redfern)

I was talking to a buddy of mine a while ago about the weirdest couple names she’s ever heard of/used herself. She didn’t say anything too outlandish (wax candle was my favourite; who calls their significant other: ‘wax candle?). She then asked me the same question and I was stumped. Except for some weird lapses […]

Prawn narnie from Three Williams, Redfern

Three Williams (Redfern)

My co-workers visited Three Williams in the morning and told me that the coffee was pretty amazing. Due to the fact that I have trust issues built up over years of lies from my parents (I’m still recovering from Santa being just some dude with a fake beard), I had to see for myself it the coffee lived up to the hype.

Wagyu Burger at Table 60, Wynyard

Table Sixty, CBD

I make my own blend of iced coffee at home and it tastes awful. I still drink it because I need a pick me up in the morning and leaving the house looking like an extra that’s crawled off the set of ‘the Walking Dead’ is deemed unprofessional.