Brewtown Newtown

Brewtown Newtown

I like to branch out and visit hidden gems and shed a little spotlight on some of the lesser known eateries that Sydney has to offer. Sure, even the most popular spots could use a second opinion but I rather be the first voice to sing the praises of an establishment I have an affinity […]


Mister Gee Burger Truck, Haberfield

(Update 23/07/2015: Mister Gee Burger Truck is now located at 315 Parramatta Road, Haberfield) I have a lot of bad tendencies (always dating the wrong women, getting the same bad haircut at the same bad salon, eating one extra bite even though my stomach is perfectly content) but the one I hate the most is my […]

burger-project-cheese-and-bacon (2)

Burger Project, CBD

My favourite novel of all time is ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F.Scott Fitzgerald. On the surface, many people love the book because of Gatsby’s obvious wealth, his impeccable style and his partying lifestyle. However, those aren’t the reasons I love the book or the character Gatsby. I love the book because I believe it’s a tale […]

Cheeseburger at Milk Bay by Cafe Ish, Redfern

Milk Bar by Cafe Ish (Redfern)

I was talking to a buddy of mine a while ago about the weirdest couple names she’s ever heard of/used herself. She didn’t say anything too outlandish (wax candle was my favourite; who calls their significant other: ‘wax candle?). She then asked me the same question and I was stumped. Except for some weird lapses […]

Prawn narnie from Three Williams, Redfern

Three Williams (Redfern)

My co-workers visited Three Williams in the morning and told me that the coffee was pretty amazing. Due to the fact that I have trust issues built up over years of lies from my parents (I’m still recovering from Santa being just some dude with a fake beard), I had to see for myself it the coffee lived up to the hype.

Wagyu Burger at Table 60, Wynyard

Table Sixty, CBD

I make my own blend of iced coffee at home and it tastes awful. I still drink it because I need a pick me up in the morning and leaving the house looking like an extra that’s crawled off the set of ‘the Walking Dead’ is deemed unprofessional.

shake shack

Shake Shack, New York

Shake Shack should be a national heritage site. It should be placed on all ‘places to visit’ brochures of every city fortunate enough to boast one of (if not the best) burger franchises in the Milky Way. Am I being hyperbolic? Hell, I might be underselling the greatest burger experience I’ve ever had.